No one knew how to humanize even the worst characters than the First Lady of the American Screen.
As her many memorable films continue to have their anniversaries, Bette Davis remains one the most celebrated actresses of all time. Her career spanned 90 films, but the roles she played weren’t simply glamorous like her peers. Davis made her name playing the outcast, the misunderstood, and the downright hated. Her distinctive look and real-life persona made it possible to play the not-so-pretty roles while still making us identify with her.
When you hear Bette Davis, a definitive role comes to mind. Perhaps you love her as the aging stage actress Margo in All About Eve. Maybe you remember her campy performance as the demented Jane in Whatever Happened to Baby Jane?. Whichever Davis films you love, they likely have her portraying a woman in turmoil. While she played a variety of women, one thing connects them throughout her career. Each character is flawed, some more than others, but somehow Davis makes us sympathize with them unlike any other actress ever could.
One aspect of Bette’s extraordinary performances comes from her appearance. Davis wasn’t the conventionally beautiful Hollywood actress of her time. She held an allure that couldn’t fit the roles of typically gorgeous actresses like Ava Gardner or Joan Fontaine. There was something different about Bette and it was only fair that her characters contained that same off-beat personality as her looks. Her huge eyes dominated most of her face, making it easy for her to convey plenty of emotion with just a glance. It’s that separation from typically beautiful that also made Bette Davis unforgettable. She created a presence on screen that drew you in and away from any other actor in the scene with her. Even as she starred alongside legendary actors like Henry Fonda and Humphrey Bogart, Davis commanded every scene she was in.
Despite her expressive face, Bette Davis found a way to convey her characters’ emotions with subtly when needed. In the opening scene of The Letter, Davis shoots a man dead on the steps of her house. Her face is rigidly still as the camera zooms up close, focusing on her emotion. She drops the gun, either terrified or unamused we don’t know which yet. She stares down the man she has murdered without a tear down her face or any words. Davis’s character has done the worst, killed a man, within the first scene of the film, but thanks to her mesmerizing performance all the audience cares about his finding out more about her. Her subtlety in expression helps create the mystery needed in this thriller, where her character’s motivation is unclear throughout.
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