"Take an amazing journey to an enchanted world that holds a secret…" There's a new animated film hitting theaters later this month, for those who are curious about indie animated features. Ice Dragon: Legend of the Blue Daisies is directed by Bruce Stacey, and it's a musical adventure set in a mystical land. The story follows Melody, voiced by Rheal Rees, a gifted young dreamer and her friend Leif, voiced by Justin Debé. They must set aside their differences and use the power of magical Blue Daisies and an ancient song to save their world from an evil Ice Dragon. The voice also cast includes Bill Bray. The film is the first of a planned trilogy of films that will follow the adventures of Melody and Leif as they unlock the secrets and power of the song. This looks super low budget and not very impressive, but it may be entertaining to some.
Here's the first trailer for Bruce Stacey's Ice Dragon: Legend of the Blue Daisies, from YouTube:
Melody (Rheal Rees), a gifted young dreamer and her feisty friend Leif (Justin Debé), must set aside their differences and use the power of magical Blue Daisies and an ancient Song to save their world from an evil Ice Dragon. When the blue flowers that once bloomed all around her village begin to disappear, Melody and her eccentric grandfather recognize this as a sign of great danger…but no one believes them! Racing against time, Melody must convince Leif and the other villagers before it’s too late. Great songs and engaging characters highlight this inspiring, animated adventure for the whole family. Ice Dragon: Legend of the Blue Daisies is both directed & produced by Canadian filmmaker Bruce Stacey, making his feature directorial debut. Ice Dragon will open in select theaters starting on March 24th later this month.
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