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Tuesday, 27 February 2018

Trailer for South African Film 'Bloody & Glory' Directed by Sean Else

Bloody & Glory Trailer

"What if we defeat you?" Cleopatra Entertainment has released an official US trailer for the South African period epic Bloody & Glory, which opened in South Africa in 2016, but is just now getting a US release direct-to-VOD this March. Based on true historical events from South Africa's history, the story is about a man who is taken prisoner during the Second Anglo-Boer War and is sent to the St. Helena concentration camp, where he tries to defeat a Colonal at the game of rugby. Stian Bam stars, along with Charlotte Salt, Josh Myers, Andre Jacobs, Greg Kriek, Nick Cornwall, and Grant Swanby. This actually looks like a film about rugby, or so it seems, with prisoners learning to play. And it's a bit odd that there's not a single black person in the cast, despite being set in South Africa, but maybe I don't know the history well enough.

Here's the official US trailer (+ poster) for Sean Else's Bloody & Glory, direct from YouTube:

Bloody & Glory Poster

Set in 1901, this period epic follows Willem Morkel (Stian Bam) - a Boer and family man whose wife and son are murdered during the Anglo-Boer War (1899 - 1902). Captured as a prisoner of war, Willem must survive incarceration in the notorious St. Helena concentration camp and defeat the ruthless Colonel Swannell (Grant Swanby), at his own game… Rugby. Blood & Glory is both written and directed by South African filmmaker Sean Else, making his third feature after Platteland and 'n Man Soos My Pa previously. This first opened in South African cinemas back in early 2016, and it also played at the Camerimage Film Festival in Poland in late 2016. Cleopatra Entertainment will release Sean Else's Blood & Glory directly on VOD starting March 20th next month, if anyone is interested in finally catching this film. Your thoughts?


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