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Saturday, 24 February 2018

Catherine Keener Fights for Her Home in Trailer for 'Little Pink House'

Little Pink House Trailer

"No amount of money could replace our homes." Korchula Productions has released an official trailer for a based-on-a-true story film titled Little Pink House, starring Catherine Keener as a woman who fights a defining legal battle against the government and corporations trying to take her home away. Keener plays Susette Kelo, a small-town EMT who buys a tiny rundown cottage in New London, Connecticut, refurbishes it with her bare hands, paints it pink, meets a new guy after a bad marriage. Then she discovers powerful politicians are bent on bulldozing her blue-collar neighborhood to make way for condos and offices designed to benefit the new corporate headquarters of pharmaceutical giant Pfizer. So she resists and ends up going all the way to the Supreme Court. The film's cast includes Jeanne Tripplehorn, Callum Keith Rennie, Giacomo Baessato, Aaron Douglas, Colin Cunningham, and Miranda Frigon. Take a look below.

Here's the official trailer (+ poster) for Courtney Balaker's Little Pink House, direct from YouTube:

Little Pink House Poster

Little Pink House Poster

A small-town nurse named Susette Kelo (Keener) emerges as the reluctant leader of her working-class neighbors in their struggle to save their homes from political and corporate interests bent on seizing the land and handing it over to Pfizer Corporation. Susette's battle goes all the way to the US Supreme Court and the controversial 5-4 decision in Kelo vs. City of New London gave government officials the power to bulldoze a neighborhood for the benefit of a multibillion-dollar corporation. The decision outraged Americans across the political spectrum, and that passion fueled reforms that helped curb eminent domain abuse. Little Pink House is both written and directed by American filmmaker Courtney Balaker, making her feature directorial debut. This film first premiered at the Santa Barbara Film Festival last year. Balaker's Little Pink House will open in select theaters + on VOD starting April 20th this spring. Anyone interested?

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