Jean-Claude Van Damme can take on all challengers. Just give him a second.
In the new Amazon original series, Jean-Claude Van Damme is playing Jean-Claude Van Damme except he isn’t how you remember him. He’s a little bit out of shape and a little bit slower. He was a martial arts and film sensation, but that feels like a lifetime ago. He is unhappily retired and works for low-budget endeavors until a chance encounter brings him on his toughest mission ever. Jean-Claude Van Damme must take out a Bulgarian drug cartel. For that he needs a secret code name, thus he goes by Johnson.
If this all seems a little bit familiar, Jean-Claude Van Johnson was one of test pilots from Amazon back in August 2016. It was picked up along with other titles such as I Love Dick and The Tick. This first trailer is our look into what Amazon has planned for the entire first season of Jean-Claude Van Johnson and it looks like tons of laughs and action.
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