What is the real truth when it comes to the story of Tonya Harding?
Neon has released the first teaser for I, Tonya. The film details the life story of Tonya Harding (Margot Robbie) and how the events in her life really happened. Everyone knows about the incident, but do they know about everything that was going on behind the scenes? The footage starts with Harding smoking a cigarette before a big event and putting it out with her ice skate. That should give you an idea of the tone I, Tonya is trying to create.
The Subversive Horror of ‘The Vanishing’If ever any month was made for horror movies, it’s October. Building up to Halloween, there’s a whole month’s worth of movie-watching to fill, whether with hallowed favourites, creepy new additions to the genre or the perenni…Read More
Why Horror Matters
“The cinema was made for horror films. No other kind of film offers that same mysterious anticipation as you head into a darkened auditorium. No other makes such powerful use of sound and image. The cinema is where we come t…Read More
The 31 Best Final Shots in HorrorThe best movies don’t waste a single frame, but realistically speaking, most fumble more than a few. It happens, and you just hope that whatever follows that particular scene fares far better. A film’s last shot, though, does…Read More
Horror and Comedy are More Alike Than You ThinkSo, I’m going to level with you guys: I can’t stand horror movies. I’m too much of a scaredy-cat. Fortunately, the horror-comedy is a fun little genre hybrid that lets even a wimp like me participate in the festivities of the…Read More
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