By Jacob Oller
Godard captures humanity and urbanity with his palette.
I’m hearing people say that movies are just the combinations of writing and acting thrust on screen. That directors have given up. Guys, it’s time for some color theory.
The highly saturated hues of Jean-Luc Godard find brightness and emotion contrasted against the neutral mundanity of urban life. Beige walls, grey streets, and hazy skies let his primary colors pop in the New Wave. His colors aren’t just eye-catching, they’re inherently imbued with meaning because of their separation from their surroundings.
This video, just under three minutes, not only addresses the composition of Godard’s colors, but specifies their hex code. Just in case you wanted to paint your house, decorate your Tumblr, or attend a costume party in the styles of the French master.
The article The Colors of Jean-Luc Godard appeared first on Film School Rejects.
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