Fresh from this year’s Twin Peaks Festival.
You need to go away right now if you have not seen at least through episode 14 of the original Twin Peaks series, because I’m about to spoil all the good stuff. Go on, get.
Okay, now that it’s just us Peakies, remember Leland’s final scene when he’s confessing to all he’s done and giving us the backstory on how BOB came to him? He says The Black Lodge denizen took control of him when he was just a little boy, one summer up at the Palmer family cabin on the shores of Pearl Lakes outside of town. It’s a tantalizing piece of Twin Peaks mythology that never got explored beyond this one mention in one scene of one episode. Until now.
Each year in lovely Snoqualmie, Washington, devotees and cast members of Twin Peaks descend upon the town where the series was filmed to celebrate all things coffee, pie, and weird. It’s an event that’s been going on a quarter-century now, and each year it gets bigger and better, by all accounts. Hands down one of the Festival highlights is the short film competition in which directors submit their Lynch-based fan fictions. It’s fascinating to see what slices of lore the filmmakers explore, and this year’s winning entry is no exception. As I mentioned about, it deals with that fated summer up at Pearl Lakes when young Leland met BOB, and it’s called, fittingly, The Summer House at Pearl Lakes.
Written and directed by Thor Amli, the film is perfectly at home in the Twin Peaks universe with its mixture of innocence and perversion and provides a narrative that’s true to the information we already have and intelligently playful with the blanks to be filled. This is a must-watch short for any and every Twin Peaks fan.
The article Short of the Day: A Slice of ‘Twin Peaks’ Lore in ‘The Summer House at Pearl Lakes’ appeared first on Film School Rejects.
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