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Sunday, 9 July 2017

Watch: 'Fish Story' Short Film Discovers the Truth Behind a Fishy Tale

Fish Story Short Film

Now this is a unique, totally fun short documentary. Fish Story is a short doc produced by The Guardian, telling the tall tale of a event that happened years ago. The story goes that in North Wales, a weatherman named Michael Fish was the host behind an event where people with "fishy" last names (Mrs. Crab, Mr. Salmon, Mrs. Bass, Mr. Mullet) would attend a dinner and be served the fish of their last name. Filmmaker Charlie Lyne attempts to figure out if the story is actually true and reach the people who put it together. I admire the way this doc is presented, with the oral storytelling and nice, clean visuals to keep us captivated.

Hit tip to The Guardian for first premiering this short film. Original description (also found on YouTube): "Sometime in the 1980s, Caspar Salmon's grandmother was invited to a gathering on the Welsh island of Anglesey, attended exclusively by people with fish surnames. Or so he says. Thirty years later, film-maker Charlie Lyne attempts to sort myth from reality." Fish Story is directed by filmmaker Charlie Lyne, who also edited and produced the film. It's produced by Catherine Bray and Anthony Ing, and features music by Jeremy Warmsley. For more info on the short, visit The Guardian. To see more shorts, click here. Thoughts?


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