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Wednesday, 12 July 2017

New 'Fight Like a Girl' Featurette for Charlize Theron's 'Atomic Blonde'

Charlize Theron in Atomic Blonde

"Right from the beginning it was very clear the way I was going to fight… It was really intense." Focus has released a brand new behind-the-scenes featurette for Atomic Blonde, which hits theaters in a few more weeks. Charlize Theron stars as an undercover MI6 agent (and/or assassin) sent to Berlin during the Cold War to investigate the murder of a fellow agent. All of the trailers have promised some ass kicking action, and this featurette focuses on Theron's training process and her ability to deliver badass physical action and make it look real. The featurette includes interviews with Charlize Theron as well as director David Leitch, a stuntman who worked on co-directing John Wick (before he was uncredited) and is now directing Deadpool 2 next. I'm still excited to see this, let's hope it lives up to the hype and the action is as good as it seems here.

Here's the new "Fight Like a Girl" featurette for David Leitch's Atomic Blonde, direct from YouTube:

Atomic Blonde Movie Poster

You can watch the first red band trailer for Atomic Blonde here, or the second trailer / third trailer here.

An undercover MI6 agent (Charlize Theron) is sent to Berlin during the Cold War to investigate the murder of a fellow agent and help recover a missing list of double agents. Atomic Blonde is directed by filmmaker David Leitch, a former stuntman making his feature film debut with this film after working on John Wick initially. Leitch is already in the middle of directing Deadpool 2, too. The screenplay is written by Kurt Johnstad (300, Act of Valor, 300: Rise of an Empire), based on the Oni Press graphic novel series written by Antony Johnston and illustrated by Sam Hart. This first premiered at the SXSW Film Festival last month. Focus Features will release Atomic Blonde in theaters starting on July 28th this summer. Who's in?


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