By Neil Miller
The ‘Wonder Woman’ Art of the Film book might be the best cinematic coffee table book yet.
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The folks at Titan Books, with whom we’ve been working for a number of years as they have released countless wonderful movie tie-in books, were kind enough to drop a copy of Wonder Woman: The Art & Making of the Film on the doorstep of Reject HQ. Here are a few thoughts:
- The concept art for Wonder Woman is gorgeous. Although that fact only exacerbates some of the film’s (forgivable) problems, including some uneven (to put it generously) effects work.
- A lot of thought went into the way Wonder Woman the character would be perceived, being such a monumental female hero. Even Zack Snyder, who talks at length with book author Sharon Gosling, finds a way to relate the need for Steve Trevor has something necessary to help the audience find the perspective that Diana is… well, wonderful.
- There was a layer of detail in many of the props that could have been lost in all the triumphant bluster of the film, but it’s there in the book.
Here are a few images the folks at Titan, DC Comics, and Warner Bros. Entertainment so graciously provided:
If you enjoyed the film — and there’s a good chance you did — do yourself a favor and pick up a copy of Wonder Woman: The Art and Making of the Film:
Wonder Woman: The Art and Making of the Film
Today in Pop Culture History
Both Jerry Stiller (1927) and Joan Rivers (1933) were born on this day. It was a good day for comedians.
On this day in 1949, an FBI report named several Hollywood figures, including film stars Frederic March, John Garfield, Paul Muni, and Edward G. Robinson, as members of the Communist Party.
In 1984, this was the day in which Ghostbusters was released.
What You Need to Know Today
According to THR, Patty Jenkins isn’t officially signed on to direct Wonder Woman 2, despite the widespread assumption that she’ll return to continue the franchise. This means my Superman wishes are still in play, baby.
This week, EW released a few of the first images from Mary Poppins Returns. And guess what, it looks like Mary Poppins, but with Lin-Manual Miranda and Emily Blunt. (No one is saying that’s a bad thing, either.)
There are 115 categories at the Golden Trailer Awards. It’s almost as if everybody wins. Even Baywatch won something.
Our chief critic Rob Hunter has been reviewing a number of smaller films this week, including The Survivalist, Drone, and Be Afraid. The reviews are worth reading. I make no promises about the films being worth watching.
We responded to the BBC’s lack of interest in our comedy picks by letting Danny Bowes go to town on The Top 10 Funniest Non-Comedies of All-Time. We think he’s more fun, anyway.
Rob learned 30 things from the John Wick 2 DVD commentary, including “Composer Tyler Bates cameos as the guitar player on stage in Rome.” Nice.
Shot of the Day
37 years, Ray. That’s how long ago this first appeared on screens.
GHOSTBUSTERS (1984) DP: László Kovács | Director: Ivan Reitman
— One Perfect Shot (@OnePerfectShot) May 24, 2017
The article The Overwhelming Beauty of ‘Wonder Woman’ appeared first on Film School Rejects.
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