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Monday, 29 May 2017

On Twitter: What Are Your Favorite Theatrical Moviegoing Experiences?

Theatrical Moviegoing Experience

This is what movies are all about. This is why movie theaters will be around forever. There is nothing that can compare to the theatrical experience, especially when everyone is in sync and completely caught up in the movie on the screen. With all the discussion about the death of movie theaters, and the decline of film, it's refreshing to have a very nice discussion about the truly memorable, exhilarating times we've spent in cinemas. Over the past weekend, a Twitter user named Antoine Linguine asked about everyone's favorite theater-going movie experience, and he has been getting answers non-stop ever since. We've collected a few of the best responses below, in hopes of reminding everyone that there can be positive experiences at the movies, and these are some of the most unforgettable moments. So what is your favorite movie experience?

There's a fascinating mix of funny occurrences, having the theater to yourself, crazy (over)reactions, and of course crowds together excited for midnight premieres or special events. The recurring mentions seem to be Grindhouse, Scream, Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, Jurassic Park, and Get Out. But of course, there's a mix of everything and every single person has their own favorite memory of seeing a movie, no matter what it is.

Here's the original tweet from @aklingus that started it all. Thanks for starting a great discussion, Antoine:

Here are some of my favorite replies from moviegoers all over talking about their unforgettable experiences:

If you want to see all the replies, you can search on Twitter or click here. There's more being added every few minutes, as people continue to see other mentions and post their own experiences. Keep them coming.

We've also been supporters of the theatrical experience here at FirstShowing for the entire 11 years we've been around. There's nothing like it. Even though it seems to be getting worse (with cell phones, talking, and other disturbances) there are still those moments and movies where it all works in harmony. Midnight premieres are usually when the best experiences happen. This reminds me of an article in the NY Times a few years ago, where the writer talked about his love for the unique midnight experience. "When the lights go down, the energy that seizes that crowd on the precipice of fulfillment is like a roller coaster cresting its highest point, just before it plunges." And who doesn't love roller coasters? So let's all do our best to keep supporting these kind of experiences. Remind people to turn off their phones and focus on the movie. Let's keep the cinema a sacred and special place where movies of all sizes can take us on unforgettable journeys.


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