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Monday, 15 May 2017

Another Official US Trailer for Netflix's Release of Comedy 'Mindhorn'

Mindhorn US Trailer

"Surely things aren't that bad?" Netflix has debuted an official US trailer for their upcoming release of the British cop spoof movie titled Mindhorn. This already opened in UK cinemas earlier this month, and first premiered at the London Film Festival last year, which must mean it's actually way better than expected. Mindhorn is about a washed-up actor named Richard Thorncroft, played by comedian Julian Barratt, who played "Mindhorn" on a 1980s detective show. He has a bionic eye that allows him to literally "see the truth", which is why he has the eye patch. Set in the current day, the film is about Mindhorn returning to the Isle of Man to take on the job of working as a real private detective. This also stars Andrea Riseborough, Essie Davis, Russell Tovey, Simon Farnaby, David Schofield, Nicholas Farrell, Simon Callow, and Steve Coogan. It looks quite entertaining, hopefully the entire film is as funny as this trailer is. Enjoy.

Here's the official US trailer (+ poster) for Sean Foley's Mindhorn movie, direct from Netflix's YouTube:

Mindhorn Movie

You can also still watch the official UK trailer for Mindhorn here, to see more footage from this comedy.

Washed-up Richard Thorncroft (Julian Barratt) peaked with hit 1980s detective show Mindhorn, playing the titular Isle of Man sleuth with a robotic eye that allowed him to literally "see the truth." Decades later, when a deranged Manx criminal demands Mindhorn as his nemesis, Thorncroft returns to the scene of his greatest triumphs for one last chance to reignite his glory days, professional credibility and even romance with former co-star/paramour Patricia Deville (Essie Davis). Mindhorn is directed by newcomer Sean Foley, making his feature directorial debut with this film. The screenplay is co-written by Julian Barratt and Simon Farnaby. This premiered at the London Film Festival last year. Mindhorn opens in UK theaters starting May 5th, but has no US release plans set yet. Stay tuned for updates. Anyone curious about this?

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