"There is a great disturbance in the Force…" What if Batman and Superman fought with lightsabers? What if the DC universe had Jedi? What if Jabba the Hut was Superman's ultimate villain? This is just a fun trailer made by a fan, and we'll never see this crossover in real life, but it's worth a quick watch anyway. According to TrailerTrack, this mashup was made by Zack Snyder (or at least posted by him on one of his own social media accounts) and includes a title card at the end stating: Dark Side Knight v SuperJedi: Dawn of the Alliance. This trailer isn't perfect, but is an amusing mashup of the two universes. Check it out below.
Here's the Star Wars+Batman v Superman mashup trailer Dark Side Knight v SuperJedi, on YouTube:
Thanks again to TrailerTrack for posting this. This teaser trailer is a recreation of the very first teaser trailer for Zack Snyder's Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice. We all know Snyder is a big fan of Star Wars, battling J.J. Abrams over Twitter with images mixing up the DC and Star Wars universe during the filming of Batman v Superman in 2014 (and also The Force Awakens) - see #STARWARSvBATMANvSUPERMAN for their posts. It's obvious that Snyder is also excited for Rogue One to hit theaters next week, and wanted to share his enthusiasm for Star Wars by mixing up these two worlds again. Nice work, Zack. Did you enjoy?
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