What a beautiful animated short film. The Fisherman is a short created and animated by Luke Saunders, featuring a very unique visual style telling a heartfelt story about family and remembering our loved ones. The brief description of the film explains that "a series of serendipitous events lead to a chance encounter and the fulfilling of an old man's last earthly desire." This is one of those out-of-nowhere fantastic short films that I encourage everyone to just stop and watch without reading too much about it beforehand, as the simplicity of it makes it more impactful in the end. I also just love the animation style and music, I want to see more shorts made like this. Thanks to the sci-fi network Dust for premiering this. Watch it in full below.
Description from YouTube: "The Fisherman is set in a neo-Tokyo cityscape where electricity is a source of life for a diverse eco-system of mollusc like creatures. A late devoted scientist of these life forms has passed his life’s work on to his daughter, along with one part of his most prized catch. The other part, a mystical electric fish, has eluded him his entire life. An opportune discovery of this rare creature by a human inhabitant instigates an unusual mating ceremony, spawning a surge of life that traverses the gap between this life and the next." The Fisherman is directed and animated by Luke Saunders (visit his website). It was posted by sci-fi network Dust on YouTube. I also recommend the animated short World of Tomorrow.
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