Time to get in the holiday spirit! While this is more of an advertisement than a short, it's worth watching anyway because it's directed by Wes Anderson (and this kind of work is becoming increasingly common these days with filmmakers). Come Together is a short film holiday ad directed by Wes Anderson, starring Adrien Brody. As others have pointed out, it's kind of a nice The Darjeeling Limited reunion given that it takes place on a train. Brody plays a conductor who has to figure out some makeshift plans when he learns the train is going to be very late. It's charming, and has all the usual Wes Anderson quirks & accoutrements.
Description from YouTube: "Discover the H&M Christmas 2016 collection and see the new film directed by Wes Anderson, starring Adrien Brody." Not much else is known about this, other than it was made by H&M and directed by Wes Anderson (of Bottle Rocket, Rushmore, The Royal Tenenbaums, The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou, The Darjeeling Limited, Fantastic Mr. Fox, Moonrise Kingdom, The Grand Budapest Hotel). Anderson is currently making his next film, a stop-motion animated feature about dogs (still untitled). As our friends at TFS point out, "it's the only live-action material we’ll get from him for some time." So enjoy it.
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