"If the wickedness pleases you, let the window become a door…" Here's yet another excellent horror short film to watch. Givertaker, a "Dead Kids Club Story", is directed by Paul Gandersman, and written by Peter S. Hall, a movie writer who many cinephiles probably know already. In the film, Nell Kessler plays Sarah, a high schooler who decides to get revenge on the people who have been bullying her by asking for help from a mysterious wishing well. This is an impressive horror short that relies more on storytelling and strong performances than any special effects. Though I do really like the look of swirling smoke in the wishing well. There's also a fantastic old school poster for this short (made by artist Stephen Andrade) seen below. Enjoy.

Thanks to Film School Rejects for the tip on this short. Description from Vimeo: "An angry teen conducts an ancient ritual to seek revenge on the classmates she believes have wronged her." Givertaker is directed by filmmaker Paul Gandersman (on Twitter @Paul_Gandersman), and written by Peter S. Hall (on Twitter @PeterSHall), a writer on many movie sites and producer of other films like My Sucky Teen Romance and Grow Up, Tony Phillips. Starring Nell Kessler, Jessica Perrin, Caiti Ward, Sharmita Bhattagharya and John James Pepper as The Givertaker. The short first premiered at Fantastic Fest this year. For more info on this, visit the production's website at ArcanumPictures.com. For more shorts, click here. Thoughts?
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