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Wednesday, 5 October 2016

First Trailer for Wacky Sci-Fi Graphic Novel Adaptation 'Officer Downe'

Officer Downe Trailer

"Are you ready to crush some criminal cranium?" What in the world is this?! A trailer has arrived for a film called Officer Downe, adapted from the graphic novel of the same name. It's about a zombie police officer in the future who is resurrected every time he dies, cleaning up the streets of Los Angeles the only way he knows how - "with extreme prejudice and a total disdain for gun-running nuns and kung fu criminals." Kim Coates stars as Officer Downe, with a fun cast including Sam Witwer, Lauren Vélez, Alison Lohman, Lindsay Pulsipher, Reno Wilson, Tyler Ross and filmmaker Mark Neveldine (who also produced it). This looks totally whacko, but also kind of badass, like Judge Dredd if it were a low budget D-movie. Enjoy.

Here's the first official trailer (+ poster) for Shawn Crahan's Officer Downe, direct from YouTube:

Officer Downe Poster

Adapted from the 2010 graphic novel, Officer Downe takes you into a hyper-real Los Angeles for the story of a savage LA policeman who is repeatedly resurrected and returned to active duty via dark science technology. When a rookie officer named Gable is recruited as backup, he discovers there's much more to the titular super-cop than a mindless law enforcement drone warring against a twisted rouges gallery of over-the-top super-villains. Office Downe is directed by Shawn Crahan, also known as "Clown" from the band Slipknot, making his feature directing debut after some Slipknot videos previously. The screenplay is written by Joe Casey, adapting from his own graphic novel. The film is produced by Mark Neveldine (of the Crank movies). Officer Downe opens in select theaters + VOD starting November 18th this fall. Anyone?


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