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Wednesday, 21 September 2016

Art Inspiring Cinema Examined in 'Film Meets Art' Compilation Videos

Film Meets Art Video

We've all heard the quote before. Jean-Luc Godard once said: "It's not where you take things from — it's where you take them to." Filmmakers are often inspired and influenced by other art, whether it be music or paintings or photography or other films. Sometimes it's easy to spot in films, other times the influence is deeper and more nuanced. There's a series of videos created by editor Vugar Efendi called "Film Meets Art" that highlight various examples of cinema borrowing exact shots or poses or color or composition or clothing (or all of the above) from paintings and other classic art. It is actually an impressive examination of creative influence and how it plays directly into cinema. I wanted to feature both of the videos, with Part II out this week, because there's so much to admire in each of them. I love the shot from There Will Be Blood.

Thanks to One Perfect Shot for the tip on this. Editor Vugar Efendi states on Vimeo: "All art forms feed off from each other, and film is no different. More examples are shown here as an expansion of the first Film Meets Art video." The original video included this introduction: "Art inspires cinema, cinema inspires art. As lover of both, I just wanted to look into films that are inspired by famous paintings throughout history." This is actually inspiring to see, especially because it's a reminder that there's really nothing wrong with being inspired by art. In fact, as Vugar states, it goes back and forth, and the two mediums feed off of each other. It's cool to see how many great filmmakers are featured, including Jonathan Glazer, Steven Spielberg, Andrei Tarkovsky and Quentin Tarantino. Now go to the nearest museum and get inspired by what you find.

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