"It'll still float on…" Now this is creative filmmaking at its finest. Inspired by a random throwaway shot in a NASA documentary about the Apollo missions, Alexa Haas and Bernardo Britto decided to make a short film about an astronaut's glove somehow came loose and went floating into the abyss of space. The short film is titled Glove and it features hand-painted animation by Alexa Haas, telling a wondrous story of the life of this glove. I saw this at the Sundance Film Festival earlier this year, as it played in front of the film Operation Avalanche, which is pretty much perfect pairing. My only complaint is that I hate the looping of the final shot at the credits - once or twice was enough. Other than that, this is so much fun to watch. Enjoy.
Thanks to The Wrap for debuting. The description for the film is short and simple: "The true story of a glove that's been floating in space since 1968." Glove is co-directed by Alexa Haas and Bernardo Britto, from a screenplay by Bernardo Britto. The Wrap explains the story behind how they decided to make this short inspired by the NASA documentary For All Mankind: "Britto was fixated on a throwaway shot of a glove coming loose from a compartment and floating away into space. 'They don’t mention anything about it. They just focus on the astronauts,' [Haas] said. 'And he's just like, 'How is there this glove floating around that no one’s talking about?'" The film first premiered at Sundance this year. For more shorts, click here. Thoughts?
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