"What are we up against?" Wow! Want to get a glimpse at just how epic and gnarly the new Godzilla from Japan is? A new international trailer from the Philippines has arrived online featuring tons of extra footage of the giant lizard monster attacking and destroying cities in Godzilla Resurgence, or Shin Godzilla. We posted the full Japanese trailer for this a few months ago and it finally showed Godzilla in all his glory, but this trailer shows off even more of his deadly abilities, including some crazy destructive lasers coming out of his back. Starring Jun Kunimura, Shin'ya Tsukamoto, Satomi Ishihara and Hiroki Hasegawa. This definitely has a cheesy side to it, but I feel like it's going to be so much fun to watch. Maybe? We'll see.
Here's the new international trailer (from the Philippines) for Toho's Godzilla Resurgence, on YouTube:
You can still see the first two teasers for Godzilla: Resurgence here or here, plus the full Japanese trailer.
It was originally reported that Toho Company is working on a new Godzilla movie of their own (separate from Gareth Edwards' most recent Hollywood version and the impending Godzilla vs King Kong fight) and it began shooting last summer, for release July 2016. Adding to that, this most recent report says that the story will take place in Japan (of course), and that it will be the "largest Godzilla ever" and he would be destroying cities all over Japan. Godzilla: Resurgence is being co-directed by Japanese filmmaking legends Hideaki Anno (Neon Genesis Evangelion) and Shinji Higuchi (known for his visual effects for the Gamera trilogy). The screenplay is credited to Hideaki Anno. According to the original poster, Godzilla: Resurgence arrives in theaters in Japan starting July 29th this summer. We're still not sure of an exact US release date.
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