"In this town, aren't those the rules?" Fox has unveiled the first official trailer for the film Rules Don't Apply, the latest feature directed by Warren Beatty since Bulworth in 1998. Beatty also stars in this as Howard Hughes, who contracts a young actress - played by Lily Collins - to work for him in Los Angeles. When she arrives, she meets her personal driver played by Alden Ehrenreich (who will next be playing a young Han Solo in the spin-off) and falls for him, but can't break Hughes' rule of having a relationship with an employee. The full cast includes Haley Bennett, Alec Baldwin, Ed Harris, Matthew Broderick, Martin Sheen, Annette Bening, Oliver Platt and Steve Coogan. This looks quite fun and especially charming and amusing. It definitely has an old Hollywood feel to it, but not as much as Hail, Caesar. Enjoy.
Here's the first official trailer for Warren Beatty's Rules Don't Apply, direct from Fox's YouTube:
Tells the unconventional love story of an aspiring actress (Lily Collins), her determined driver (Alden Ehrenreich), and the eccentric billionaire (Warren Beatty) who they work for. It's Hollywood, 1958. Small town beauty queen and devout Baptist Marla Mabrey, under contract to the infamous Howard Hughes, arrives in Los Angeles. At the airport, she meets her personal driver Frank Forbes, only two weeks on the job and also from a religiously conservative background. Their instant attraction not only puts their religious convictions to the test, but also defies Hughes' #1 rule: no employee is allowed to have an intimate relationship with a contract actress. Rules Don't Apply is both written & directed by legendary actor-filmmaker Warren Beatty, who hasn't directed anything since Bulworth in 1998; as well as Dick Tracy, Reds and Heaven Can Wait. Fox will release Rules Don't Apply starting November 11th this fall.
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