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Friday, 29 April 2016

Mark Strong Heads to Mars in First 'Approaching the Unknown' Trailer

Approaching the Unknown

"I don't know if I'm on course… My ship isn't telling me." Where did this come from?! Vertical Ent. has released a trailer for a film called Approaching the Unknown, a sci-fi drama about an astronaut on a one-way solo mission to colonize Mars. Mark Strong stars as Captain William D. Stanaforth, and it's great to see Strong in a lead role. The cast includes Sanaa Lathan, Charles Baker, Anders Danielsen Lie and Harry L. Seddon, but this is really a one-man show. There are some crazy cool visuals in this trailer, his spacecraft drifting through weird anomalies in space, but it looks damn good. The line at the end - chills.

Here's the first trailer for Mark Elijah Rosenberg's Approaching the Unknown, found on YouTube:

Approaching the Unknown Poster

Captain William Stanaforth is on a one-way solo mission to take the first steps in colonizing Mars. Like all pioneers throughout history, Stanaforth will face insurmountable odds and life and death decisions as he rockets bravely through space. Approaching the Unknown is both written & directed by newcomer Mark Elijah Rosenberg, making his feature directing debut (his only other credit is "Special Thanks" on Beasts of the Southern Wild). This hasn't played at any film festivals or otherwise yet. Vertical Entertainment & Paramount Pictures will release Approaching the Unknown in select theaters starting June 3rd this year.


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