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Thursday, 25 February 2016

Fresh Art: Matt Ferguson's 'Star Wars' Saga Triptych from Bottleneck

Star Wars Saga Triptych

Return to a Galaxy Far, Far Away… to buy yet another set of stunning posters for the original Star Wars saga! Brooklyn-based Bottleneck Gallery is launching another series of screen prints, this set by Matt Ferguson, for the original Star Wars saga in a timed sale on their website this weekend. We've featured a whole bunch of different Star Wars art over the last year, since everyone is in a very nostalgic mood with the new movie playing in theaters. This latest set is by an artist we've been following for a long time, known as "Cakes and Comics" - last year he did the Lord of the Rings trilogy, this year we get Star Wars. Take a look.

Here's a look at the new Star Wars prints - originals and variants - by Matt Ferguson. Images via SlashFilm:

Matt Ferguson's Star Wars SagaMatt Ferguson's Star Wars Saga

Matt Ferguson's Star Wars SagaMatt Ferguson's Star Wars Saga

Matt Ferguson's Star Wars SagaMatt Ferguson's Star Wars Saga

This series of Star Wars prints will go on sale starting at 12PM ET on Thursday, February 25th. The screen prints are 12"x24" in size and cost $100 for the complete set, or $115 for the gold variant versions. You can buy these from Bottleneck Gallery by clicking here. There will only be 225 of the gold variant versions sold, however the regular set is available in a timed release. You can order a copy anytime you want from today until the end of the day on Sunday, February 28th. For more art by Matt Ferguson, visit his official website. Other recent artwork related to Star Wars we've featured includes this noir series by Marko Manev, Gabz's original trilogy triptych series, Eric Tan's Star Wars trilogy set, and this Star Wars-themed Last Supper art.

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