The loss of David Bowie is monumental.
Few talents will have such a profound effect on such a wide range of people as David Bowie did in the 69 years that he lived. He was a rock star, a fabulous screen presence, a fashion icon and a role model for anyone who was just a little weird.
As the week goes on, we will do our best to encapsulate the life and work of David Bowie through our own lens. His passing at age 69 reminds us that even legends fall, though as our good friend Scott Beggs reminded us on Twitter, perhaps Bowie has simply returned to his home planet:
I assume David Bowie finally figured out a solution and has returned to his home world to save it from extensive drought.
— Scott Beggs (@scottmbeggs) January 11, 2016
We’d also like to take a moment to share some remembrances from some of our own favorite writers around the web.
From HitFix’s Drew McWeeny:
“The first time I heard “Space Oddity,” it felt like I lifted off the ground with that countdown, infinity in endless mandala opening above me, as that strange voice, so thin at times, so powerful at others, sang with such longing, such powerful desire to both reach back to a humanity left behind and rocket on into whatever cosmic possibilities lay ahead. I must have played that record a hundred times in the next month, until she finally gave it to me so she wouldn’t have to hear it anymore. I didn’t know music could do that, and in a house where my parents listened to country music and Hooked On Beethoven and the Saturday Night Fever soundtrack, playing something as singular as “Space Oddity” felt like I was claiming a space for myself, declaring an identity that had nothing to do with theirs. It felt like I had heard a new language I liked better than English, one that finally had all the words I needed.”
From Birth.Movies.Death’s Devin Faraci:
“If you were weird, David Bowie made you feel like you weren’t alone.
He didn’t make you feel less weird. If anything he pushed you further into weirdness. He helped you embrace your weirdness. He let you know that there were other weird people out there, and that if they were having a good time, you could be having a good time too.”
From /Film’s Jacob Hall:
“It is 2004 and Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders From Mars has just convinced a depressed, confused and impossibly lonely high school student to not take his own life. It is 2015 and “Heroes” blasts through the speakers as the same man, now older and happier and glad to be alive, joins the love of his life on the dance floor for their first dance as husband and wife.”
From Carol director Todd Haynes, via our friend Joanna Robinson at Vanity Fair:
“There are all these languages that keep people in place that conform us to a set of terms. It’s why I think the whole idea of identity as something that is something of a straitjacket. That most of us like to think of as natural and innate. That we just find and go, “Yeah, that’s who I am.” . . . It’s a mind fuck and it’s something that keeps you straitjacketed into something or other.”
And of course, from Duncan Jones, a favorite filmmaker and friend of this site, who lost more than just an icon, he lost a father:
Very sorry and sad to say it's true. I'll be offline for a while. Love to all.
— Duncan Jones (@ManMadeMoon) January 11, 2016
Our heartfelt condolences to Duncan Jones and his family, and to the world at large, as we’ve all lost one of our most spectacular humans.
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