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Friday, 15 January 2016

Full Trailer + Poster for Peter Greenaway's 'Eisenstein in Guanajuato'

Eisenstein in Guanajuato

"What the hell does he know about film?!" Wow, this looks wacky. Strand Releasing put out this new trailer and official poster for Peter Greenway's Eisenstein in Guanajuato, a film about Soviet filmmaker Sergei Eisenstein traveling down to Mexico in 1931 to shoot a new film. Elmer Bäck plays Sergei Eisenstein, and Luis Alberti plays his guide Palomino Cañedo, and the cast includes Maya Zapata, Lisa Owen, Stelio Savante. I can't really tell if I'm into this or not. It truly looks "wonderfully mind-boggling", as one of the quotes in this trailer states, I just hope it makes some sense. The footage is definitely appealing, and some of the shots got my attention. It's a very captivating, very mesmerizing trailer that pulls you into the journey, and makes you want to see more of this story about his wacky, wild 10 days in Mexico. Take a look below.

Here's the new US trailer + poster for Peter Greenway's Eisenstein in Guanajuato, in high def on Apple:

Eisenstein in Guanajuato Poster

In 1931, at the height of his artistic powers, Soviet filmmaker Sergei Eisenstein travels to Mexico to shoot a new film to be titled Que Viva Mexico. Freshly rejected by Hollywood and under increasing pressure to return to Stalinist Russia, Eisenstein arrives at the city of Guanajuato. Chaperoned by his guide Palomino Cañedo, he vulnerably experiences the ties between Eros and Thanatos, sex and death, happy to create their effects in cinema, troubled to suffer them in life. Peter Greenaway’s film explores the mind of a creative genius facing the desires and fears of love, sex and death through ten passionate days that helped shape the rest of the career of one of the greatest masters of cinema. Eisenstein in Guanajuato is both written & directed by British filmmaker Peter Greenway, of The Cook, the Thief, His Wife & Her Lover, The Pillow Book, 8½ Women, Nightwatching, and many other films previously. Strand Releasing will put Greenway's Eisenstein in Guanajuato in select theaters starting February 5th, 2016 next month. You in?

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