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Monday, 4 January 2016

A Featurette on Filming a Scene for 'The Force Awakens' in Ireland

The Force Awakens in Ireland

By now, hopefully everyone has seen Star Wars: The Force Awakens at least once, because it's time to delve into spoiler territory. The Irish Tourism Board has launched a new featurette on Star Wars, focusing on the one major scene that was filmed there. The scene was shot on the island Skellig Michael, and it's the very last scene in the movie, involving a certain Skywalker character. It's a beautiful location that is used nicely, and the video shows how they worked to get the shots they needed without causing any harm to the environment. This is more of a tourism video to attract fans to Ireland to check out this location, but it's also cool to see a few more behind-the-scenes shots from this most recent Star Wars adventure. Fire it up below.

New featurette for Star Wars: The Force Awakens on filming in Ireland, on YouTube (via SlashFilm):

For more updates on Star Wars, follow @starwars. Once you've seen TFA, join the debate in our Sound Off. According to MTV, Ireland's Tourism Board is counting on Star Wars fans to make the trip and visit there.

Star Wars: Episode VII - The Force Awakens, continuing the beloved original trilogy about Luke, Leia, Han & Chewie that ended in 1983, is directed by J.J. Abrams, of the films Mission: Impossible 3, Star Trek, Super 8 and Star Trek Into Darkness. The screenplay is written by Lawrence Kasdan (Empire Strikes Back, Raiders of the Lost Ark, Return of the Jedi, The Big Chill, The Bodyguard) and J.J. Abrams, with Kathleen Kennedy from Lucasfilm producing. This debut is the beginning of a brand new saga, with another trilogy planned for this storyline, with Rian Johnson and Colin Trevorrow lined up to direct. Disney, after acquiring Lucasfilm in 2012, released Star Wars: The Force Awakens in theaters everywhere December 18th, 2015.


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