This could be interesting. With the upcoming release of Quentin Tarantino's The Hateful Eight in 70mm, at least 100 different theaters have now been setup with 70mm projectors to properly run the roadshow version. Tarantino has been advocating for equipping more theaters with proper 70mm film projectors, and he has made things happen, though it has yet to be seen if it will pay off. Part of the concern is additional use in the long run. In article on THR about 70mm, it's mentioned that "a lot of people" are thinking about other things to show in 70mm - including classics like Lawrence of Arabia. But also hinted is that Warner Bros is considering a 70mm release of Zack Snyder's Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice. Really?!
Here's the quote direct from the article on Hollywood Reporter about The Hateful Eight showing in 70mm:
Sources say Warner Bros. is considering the possibility of having a 70mm release for Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice, which was shot in part in 65mm Imax and opens in March. There’s also some murmurs suggesting that others are considering 70mm rereleases of classics that were originally made for the format, such as Lawrence of Arabia.
“I think a lot of people are entertaining that," says Hateful Eight producer Shannon McIntosh, noting that with the projector availability, “it becomes a no-brainer.”
That does make sense for exhibitors who always need good content to show. After seeing The Hateful Eight in 70mm, you'll wonder the same thing - how many times can I come back and see beautifully-shot films like this projected like this - as long as there are no projection mishaps. It's interesting to note that apparently some of Batman v Superman was shot in 65mm IMAX, for the full IMAX release, but maybe they can convert that and change the rest over to 70mm somehow and package this as a special show. It also depends on if the 70mm roadshow version of Tarantino's The Hateful Eight is a success, and maybe if enough people show up, it'll become a regular event to host 70mm screenings. As for Batman v Superman, they only have three more months before it's out if anything might happen. Until then, go see The Hateful Eight in 70mm.
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