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Sunday, 15 November 2015

Watch: Simeon Duncombe's Rad Skateboard Short Film 'Trick Meter'

Trick Meter

How many points can you rack up? We recommend watching this fantastic four minute short film called Trick Meter, from Weta VFX artist and filmmaker Simeon Duncombe out of New Zealand. The very creative, very fun short follows a skateboarder who gets sucked into some funky game where he must do tricks and dodge obstacles to survive. It has some great FX setup behind it, and a fresh vibe to it. The short was featured on Short of the Week, where they wrote that "Duncombe manages to succeed where so many special effects film fail by crafting a dynamic, fantastic world dominated by a ticking clock." Fire it up below.

Original description from Vimeo: "Hidden in the darkest back streets of major cities, you may find an urban phenomena - the Trick Meter. Skate by one late at night and you could find yourself locked into a do or die trick session." Trick Meter is written and directed by Simeon Duncombe, an Australian born, New Zealand-based filmmaker and VFX artist who works for Weta. All of the FX work was done by Duncombe. The skateboarder is Jack Fagan, with sound design by Phil Burton. You can see more of Simeon's work on Vimeo here. Read more about making this film on Short of the Week. For more featured shorts, click here.


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