I’m going to put the trailer itself up top for you, as we’re about to get into some spoiler territory in a few lines. First, let’s all revel in the fact that we woke up to a new trailer for Star Wars: The Force Awakens with a fair amount of new footage. This is the Japanese trailer, which for studio marketeers has required a slightly different approach. That approach has a lot to do with the story of Rey, played by Daisy Ridley. She’s the focus of the first 30-seconds of the trailer and the focal point of my next talking point, which might jump into spoiler territory.
Let’s save the spoiler talk for after this picture of Rey…
“I know all about waiting,” she explains to BB-8, a droid she appears to have met relatively recently. “For my family.”
This is an illuminating bit that further suggests Rey’s greater importance. For a long time, theorists and fans alike have wondered about the cosmic destinies of the three new pieces: Rey, Finn (John Boyega) and Kylo Ren (Adam Driver). If this new trilogy is a continuation of “The Skywalker Saga,” which among them have midichlorians flowing through their veins?
My favorite answer is that it’s Rey and Kylo Ren, who we see having a moment in this very trailer. Not a particularly present, “Hello Sister!” moment, but a moment nonetheless. Everyone who’s been following Star Wars news closely over the last two years knows that the Expanded Universe is not technically canon anymore, but don’t be surprised if something akin to it pops up in J.J. Abrams movie. Especially the part about their being offspring of Han and Leia who are very important characters. It’s all conjecture at this point — seriously, what can we really know before we see the movie? — but it’s a really fun theory. Rey is on Jakku waiting for her family. She may have been stashed away for her protection, just as Luke Skywalker was when we meet him in the original trilogy. Perhaps her parents, after some kind of horrible event caused them to lose track of her sibling (who got swept up in dark side fanaticism), wanted to keep her safe.
I’m also in love with the notion that Finn being shown with a Lightsaber is a big misdirect. He may end up being a major hero of the story, but perhaps he’s not a Force-positive. Perhaps Finn is the John Harrison of Abrams’ Star Wars. Who knows? Finn’s greater cosmic importance is less clear at this point, and I’m good with that.
The other fun little bit in this Japanese trailer is that BB-8 also appears to be lost and waiting for something. What kind of secret message could this little rolling ball droid be carrying? That will be an interesting mystery.
We’ll know all of this stuff for sure in 41 days when The Force Awakens hits theaters. Until then, let’s keep the TheoryStar (SpoilerStar?) churning.
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