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Tuesday, 3 November 2015

Sources Say: Hugh Jackman Will Be On Hand for X-Men: Apocalypse


Rumors of Hugh Jackman appearing in next May’s X-Men: Apocalypse, Bryan Singer’s latest entry into the franchise, are kicking up again after a Canadian newspaper reported that the Wolverine actor could be tagging along with the cast for reshoots in Canada.

According to Le Journal de Montreal (via Screen Crush), “Hugh Jackman will be on hand” when the cast and crew head to Mel’s Studio in Montreal after Christmas. On hand for what exactly isn’t clear. Emotional support? An end credits song-and-dance a la Les Mis? Who knows, but most fans will be hoping this means Jackman will be shooting or reshooting a scene as Wolverine, although the extent of the role is anyone’s guess.

Whether it’s just a cameo like in First Class or something meatier like Days of Future Past (the former being much more believable), the news is enticing to any fan of the mutant or franchise. Fox has yet to confirm Jackman’s involvement in the film and the actor has been vague when asked in interviews. The new direction Singer and Fox seem to be taking the franchise in by going back in time and recasting adult mutants with their teenage counterparts has also caused mixed opinions on whether Jackman could make an appearance or not.

What we do know is that his days of playing Wolverine are coming to an end, regardless. The Australian actor confirmed on the Dr. Oz show this past May that 2017’s third and final entry in the Wolverine series would be his last time playing the bad ass, clawed mutant. Let’s face it, he’s played the Wolverine for over a decade now, being the X-Men franchise’s biggest draw and notably making the most appearances out of any other mutant. In fact, Jackman’s role as Wolverine has been one of the few, if not the only, role that’s not been interrupted or recast. While Singer and Fox have been playing with all sorts of new story lines and recasting various mutants over the years, Jackman has been the biggest mainstay.

With that said, the rumors coming from Le Journal de Montreal are more likely true than not and we’ll probably see Wolverine in some sort of capacity when X-Men: Apocalypse is released May 27th. If anything, it’ll be a some sort of post-credits scene that leads up to the Wolverine threequel due in the future.

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