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Tuesday, 17 November 2015

Expand the Fallout 4 Experience with These 4 Movies


Fallout 4 launched earlier this week, sending endless hordes of gamers into underground bunkers of blissful immersion. Many will emerge, blinking, into the sunlight, wondering how they could have possibly spent upwards of 100 hours exploring the vast wasteland. Others may never see the sun again, doomed/blessed to become a denizen of the dystopian, irradiated future forever.

If you haven’t heard of Fallout, chances are you might have been locked up in a bunker of your own for the past few years. This newest installment of the series finds you in the year 2077, although not the 2077 we’ll see in 62 years. Instead, this future looks like the 1950s by way of every science fiction magazine cover from that era.

Soon after the game begins, you’re handed a jumpsuit tucked away safe and sound inside Vault 111. Which becomes your home for 200 years while you are blissfully unaware as a meat popsicle. When you wake up, the place is deserted and everything above has turned into a desolate, radioactive world. That’s life.

But this isn’t meant to be a game review. In short: Fallout 4 is wonderful and amazing and you should go out and buy it. There’s so much to explore and see, like Boston after it sizzled. Instead this list is meant to accompany the game like a paired cocktail for the experience. So when you hit the pause button and take a break from dystopia, you can expand the experience with these four films.


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