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Thursday, 15 October 2015

The Last Witch Hunter Is Going to Be Wicked Fun, These Videos Prove It

Bearded Vin Diesel in Last Witch Hunter


I dare you to jump into the comments section below and convince me that The Last Witch Hunter isn’t going to easily be the best-worst movie of 2015. Let’s break this down, starting with the film’s official synopsis:

The modern world holds many secrets, but the most astounding secret of all is that witches still live amongst us; vicious supernatural creatures intent on unleashing the Black Death upon the world. Armies of witch hunters battled the unnatural enemy across the globe for centuries, including Kaulder, a valiant warrior who managed to slay the all-powerful Queen Witch, decimating her followers in the process. In the moments right before her death, the Queen curses Kaulder with her own immortality, forever separating him from his beloved wife and daughter in the afterlife. Today Kaulder is the only one of his kind remaining, and has spent centuries hunting down rogue witches, all the while yearning for his long-lost loved ones. However, unbeknownst to Kaulder, the Queen Witch is resurrected and seeks revenge on her killer causing an epic battle that will determine the survival of the human race.

Vin Diesel never turns his back on family, even if it means defeating ultimate evil and escaping immortality.

Here are several other reasons why The Last Witch Hunter is very high on my list of things upon which I will spend my hard earned money:

  1. Rose Leslie is in this. I enjoy seeing the beloved Ygritte of Game of Thrones get more work.
  2. Elijah Wood is in this. Who am I to turn my back on a fellow Fantastic Fest devotee such as Elijah?
  3. Michael Caine is there to provide exposition as only Michael Caine can. It’s like Dom from Fast and the Furious has his own Alfred now.
  4. The music video below, which continues the trend of taking classic rock songs and giving them a modern twist. This time it’s Ciara covering The Rolling Stones’ “Paint It Black” over images of a wooly, bearded Vin Diesel slaying witches. There’s nothing about that last sentence that I don’t find appealing.

Watch the new music video/sizzle reel below:

Also, watch this clip:

HEALING POWERS. And for some reason, Diesel is still master of swinging metal pipes.

And this clip, in which Diesel is attacked by a pentagram:

I’m not expecting to come out of The Last Witch Hunter as I did The Martian, expecting it to transcend genre and become an Oscar contender. As many of our wonderful readers have pointed out over the years, sometimes you have to just sit back and enjoy the madness, regardless of its prestige value. The other mini-bonus is that it comes from director Breck Eisner, whose remake of The Crazies in 2010 was very solid. There’s zero reason why The Last Witch Hunter shouldn’t be a lot of fun. I welcome arguments to the contrary, of course.

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