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Friday, 2 October 2015

Sound Off: Ridley Scott's 'The Martian' with Matt Damon - Thoughts?

The Martian Sound Off

Now that you've seen it, what did you think? Bring him home! It's time! Time to take a journey to Mars. Ridley Scott's new adventure The Martian, adapted from Andy Weir's bestselling novel of the same name, is now in theaters. Matt Damon plays Astronaut Mark Watney, who gets stranded on Mars alone after a storm during a manned mission to the red planet. He must figure out a way to survive until a crew can return and rescue him. The cast includes Jessica Chastain, Jeff Daniels, Michael Peña, Sean Bean, Kate Mara, Sebastian Stan, Chiwetel Ejiofor, Mackenzie Davis and Donald Glover. So how is it? As good as the book? Once you've seen it, post a comment below with your thoughts on The Martian.

Spoiler Warning: We strongly urge everyone to actually see the film before reading ahead, as there may be spoilers below. We also encourage all commenters to keep major spoilers from the film to a minimum, if possible. However, this is an open discussion from this point on! Beware of spoilers, don't ruin this movie!

To fuel this rocket and hitch a ride home, I really loved The Martian and I'm excited to go see it again on the big screen. It's not only a visually astounding experience, continuing the modern space travel movie legacy after Gravity and Interstellar, but it's so optimistic and hopeful. Matt Damon does a fantastic job in the lead role and really helps carry the film, never making it too boring or too nerdy to watch. Most of the other supporting roles were fine, with a few standouts including Jeff Daniels and Jessica Chastain, though I eventually started to feel like every last role had to be filled with a big movie star. The best parts are when Watney is using his ingenuity to figure out how survive successfully on Mars. I thoroughly enjoyed this film.

In my full review of The Martian from a few weeks ago, I wrote: "It's possible to nitpick and complain about the structure of The Martian, but at the end of it all, I can't help but say I was inspired by it and that's what matters the most. Like Interstellar before it, deep down The Martian is all about telling the kids growing up now that, yes, you can dream about going to Mars. And if you get stuck there, you can figure out a way to survive, because that's the ingenuity of humans. When we work together, or even when we're alone and determined – 'where there's a will there's a way' – and we can accomplish anything, even the impossible."

The Martian - Sound Off

What did you think of Ridley Scott's The Martian? Best sci-fi movie in years, or one big mess?
We will remove any comments that indicate you have not seen the movie, as this area is meant to discuss the film only once you have seen it and can talk about your thoughts. Please keep the comments civilized!


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