Some interesting development news regarding a science fiction project we've been following for years. Over at Hollywood Reporter, they're reporting that Austin, Texas-based filmmaker Robert Rodriguez is in negotiations to take over directing Battle Angel, the big sci-fi robot project that James Cameron had been attached to for years. In fact, Cameron is still a part of it, and provides a quote (see below) confirming he's just so busy with the Avatar sequels that he wants to let Rodriguez do it. If you recall, this is the movie that Cameron says he had to wait years for until the VFX were right, so maybe he has faith that Rodriguez can pull that off now. I'm not entirely sure if I'm particularly excited by this choice, but Cameron likes him.
The report says that Rodriguez will be working with James Cameron and his Lightstorm Entertainment producing partner Jon Landau. The story is based on Yukito Kishiro's popular manga series from the 90's known as Battle Angel Alita. Set in the 26th century, it tells a story of a female cyborg rescued from the scrap heap by a scientist. "With no memory of her previous life except her deadly martial arts training, the woman becomes a bounty hunter, tracking down criminals." The script was originally by Laeta Kalogridis, and has been referenced as being ready since at least 2009. Here's the included quote from James Cameron:
"Robert and I have been looking for a film to do together for years, so I was pumped when he said he wanted to do Battle Angel," stated Cameron. "He's very collaborative and we're already like two kids building a go-kart, just having fun riffing creatively and technically. This project is near and dear to me, and there's nobody I trust more than Robert, with his technical virtuosity and rebel style, to take over the directing reins. We're looking forward to learning a lot from each other while we make a kick-ass epic."
Well that sounds quite reassuring. I'm glad this is still being made under James Cameron's banner, and not Rodriguez's Troublemaker Studios, as it needs that kind of massive technical and financial support. Rodriguez also commented: "Battle Angel is an incredibly rich and vibrant epic in the tradition of Jim Cameron's spectacular, character-driven films. Getting to work from Jim’s terrific and visionary script while learning the cutting edge techniques he's pioneered is a master class in filmmaking. It's an honor to explore the world of Alita along with Jim and Jon, whose films have impacted me for decades." He's making the leap to big time sci-fi now! All of these quotes are meant to make us feel like this film is still in very good hands.
I'm intrigued to see how Robert Rodriguez's Battle Angel Alita turns out, and I hope it's still as grand and epic as Cameron was planning. Stay tuned for additional updates. Are you happy with this choice?
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