Impressive. Rob Reiner's got a new project in the works that just started filming, titled LBJ, a biopic about LBJ – or Lyndon B. Johnson, the 36th President of the United States. Playing LBJ in the film is Oscar nominated actor Woody Harrelson, last seen in Out of the Furnace aside from The Hunger Games. Even though filming just started, has debuted the first photo showing Harrelson in full-on make-up and wardrobe looking unrecognizable, as Woody. He actually does pull off the LBJ look, seen in the comparison photo above. We should also mention that Bryan Cranston is also playing LBJ in the cinematic version of All the Way, which was a Broadway show that he won a Tony for appearing in. Two competing LBJs coming up.
Here's the new photo below of Woody Harrelson in Rob Reiner's upcoming LBJ movie. explains this is "set circa 1961, during a [Washington] D.C. committee meeting on equal opportunity employment."
The story of U.S. President Lyndon Baines Johnson from his young days in West Texas to the White House. Rob Reiner's LBJ, from a screenplay by Joey Hartstone, profiles the President's path to the White House, covering five years in Johnson’s political life. It spans from 1959 to 1964, including his time in the Senate, his vice presidency under John F. Kennedy, and his time as President after Kennedy's assassination. Rob Reiner: "During the '60s, I was a hippy [sic] and Lyndon Johnson was my president … and the target of most of my generation's anti-Vietnam War anger. But, as time has passed and my understanding of political realities has grown, I've come to see LBJ in a very different light. He was a complex man — a combination of brilliant political instinct, raw strength, ambition, and deep insecurities." The film stars Richard Jenkins as Sen. Richard Russell, Bill Pullman as Sen. Ralph Yarborough, Jeffrey Donovan as President John F. Kennedy, Kim Allen as Jacqueline Kennedy & Jennifer Jason Leigh as Lady Bird Johnson. Stay tuned.
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