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Friday, 10 July 2015

It's True: Ben Affleck Will Co-Write & Direct a Solo 'Batman' Movie

Ben Affleck Batman

We can't exactly say "it's official" until Warner Bros sends out the press release, but this is about as close as we'll get until then. Deadline is reporting that the rumor first reported by Latino Review a few weeks ago is actually true. Ben Affleck will be co-writing and directing the solo spin-off Batman movie following his appearance in Zack Snyder's Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice coming out next year. He'll be teaming up with DC's Geoff Johns, writer of Batman: Earth One, to write the script for this before he directs. Well I'll be damned, this doesn't so bad at all. "They are likely to turn in a script before the end of the summer."

Word is that apparently Affleck and Johns are "in sync" now, working on the script in order for Affleck to be able to move on to directing Live By Night at the end of the year. From Deadline: "The Batman movie would shoot after he finishes Live By Night, and the plot would reflect the Batman character that emerges after Batman V Superman and Justice League." Sounds about right. No other details were released, but other reports previously have indicated that the title will actually be The Batman, and they're aiming for release in 2018 (following Justice League in 2017). Beyond that, we have no idea where the character is at or how he's involved in the new universe, since we have yet to see Batman v Superman. In time we'll know more.

For now, I'll say that I'm actually confident in this choice. I'm a fan of Affleck as a director more than as an actor (my favorite film he's made is Gone Baby Gone). While it does seem a little too soon after Christopher Nolan's Batman trilogy, I guess I'm not as upset considering their plan to re-introduce Batman through the Justice League seems like a good idea. His origin story was already told perfectly in Batman Begins, no need to retread that territory again. And while I would say I'm concerned of Batman overload, this solo movie won't be out until 2018 and the glimpses of him in BvS so far relieve my worries. What do you think?

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