"This Bounty Hunter is my kind of scum, fearless and inventive." Yes, please! Mexican director Guillermo del Toro made an appearance at Comic-Con last week to promote his new movie Crimson Peak, and conducted a few interviews. During one of his chats with Yahoo, the filmmaker revealed that he's certainly interested in joining the Star Wars universe, but it's likely not happening anytime soon. He does, however, still have an idea for a kick ass spin-off solo movie. Or rather, a trilogy of movies. Guillermo told them about an offhand idea he has for a Godfather saga about how Jabba the Hut rose to power on Tatooine. Read on.
Here's the full quote from Guillermo (via SlashFilm) regarding his thoughts on a Jabba the Hut movie/saga:
"I would do the sort of [the] Godfather saga that Jabba the Hutt had to go through to gain control. One, because it's the character that looks the most like me, and I like him. I love the idea of a Hutt type of mafia, a very complex coup, you know? … I just love the character."
As cool as this sounds, don't get your hopes up. Guillermo followed up by saying: "This is not real, this is me as a fat geek just geeking out and talking about it… They’ll say 'not another one.' My IMDB page is made of headlines of a lot of stuff that I’ll never do." So, this is just an interesting idea, and not actually a possibility (don't confuse it with the actual series of spin-off solo movies in development - Rogue One and a Han Solo movie so far). Plus, there may be some of Jabba in the Han Solo movie anyway, since those two have a long history. Really, it would just be interesting to see Guillermo del Toro put his touch on any Star Wars movie.
Speaking off, it sounds like that's not happening anytime soon either. Guillermo told Fandango when asked about the possibility: "Well my dance card is a little full… I would love to, but I think there are a lot of things to get to first." Hopefully one of those other things is Hellboy 3, only time will tell. In the meantime, we'll be catching Crimson Peak when it lands in theaters this October. What do you think of Guillermo's idea?
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