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Friday, 31 July 2015

First Look: Cate Blanchett, Robert Redford in James Vanderbilt's 'Truth'

James Vanderbilt's Truth

Get your first look right here! Sony Pictures Classics has revealed a photo from the upcoming film Truth, which is the directorial debut of screenwriter James Vanderbilt (of The Rundown, Zodiac, The Losers, The Amazing Spider-Man 1 & 2, White House Down). The film stars Robert Redford as Dan Rather, and Cate Blanchett as Mary Mapes, and presents a behind-the-scenes look inside CBS News during Rather's final days there. This photo only shows Blanchett in the make-up room with Redford as Rather, though you can barely see him only through a mirror. At least it's something, and puts this on the map for the awards season as we end the summer and head deeper into the fall. Blanchett is always one to watch. See below.

Truth - First Look Photo

Photo revealed by @sonyclassics. A behind-the-scenes look at news anchor Dan Rather during his final days at C.B.S. News when he broadcast a damaging report about how President Bush relied on privilege and family connections to avoid fighting in the Viet Nam War. Truth is directed by James Vanderbilt, making his directorial debut. The screenplay was written by Vanderbilt, adapted from Mary Mapes' memoir titled Truth and Duty: The Press, the President, and the Privilege of Power. The film will likely hit a few festivals in the fall. Sony Pictures Classics will then release Truth in select theaters starting October 16th. Stay tuned for a trailer next.


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