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Monday, 29 June 2015

You Can’t Watch the Love Trailer at Work

The trailer for Gaspar Noe‘s Love features writhing naked bodies and two people Eskimo kissing, which leads me to believe that it will be a tonal slingshot of tenderness and depravity. The former won’t be a new element for Noe’s work, but it’s definitely one he uses rarely. Or, at least, more rarely than a fire extinguisher.

The bottom line is that you probably shouldn’t watch this trailer at work.

His new film — his first since Enter the Void — focuses on a man wrestling with his issues of infidelity and the damage it’s created in his life, in the life of the mother of his child and in the life of an old flame who got away. It also boasts uninhibited, graphic sex in 3D, and it divided critics at Cannes almost exactly down the middle.

Noe had a fairly simple reason for making the film, though. As he told IndieWire:

“I just wanted to portray sexual passion as much as possible, because in real-life it’s very common, but you don’t see it properly portrayed onscreen. The last movie where I thought love was truly presented was in Blue is the Warmest Color.? Because for them it’s a battlefield full of joys and pain. That whole thing that makes the process of finding love like an addiction to some kind of weird chemical that your brain is releasing, and you get addicted to serotonin and dopamine, endorphins.”

Alchemy acquired the US distribution rights, but there’s no firm release date in place yet, but it’ll be in France on July 15th, so we’ll either see a niche US release fairly soon, or we’ll have to wait for a more traditional prestige release window. I assume “See It With Someone You…” will be the tagline. And that there will be absolutely no need for a TV-friendly, PG version of the trailer. Get ready for more hardcore advertising (with heart).

"You Can’t Watch the Love Trailer at Work" was originally published on Film School Rejects for our wonderful readers to enjoy. It is not intended to be reproduced on other websites. If you aren't reading this in your favorite RSS reader or on Film School Rejects, you're being bamboozled. We hope you'll come find us and enjoy the best articles about movies, television and culture right from the source.


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