Throughout Batman history, the Batmobile has been an iconic part of the superhero's stories, and a key part of the marketing for all the movies. Warner Bros has been hosting rolling roadshows of all the various Batmobiles throughout history, so it makes sense they're already showing off the latest model now. Wired has snapped a nice, clean shot of the new Batmobile from Zack Snyder's Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice that's on display at the Licensing Expo in Las Vegas this week. A few other photos from social media have been added below. We've seen this before, but it's always nice to see it in closer detail. There's a hint it may even show up again in David Ayer's Suicide Squad, which is filming right now. Batman is back.
Our friends at Collider posted a few other photos, and included some details from Warner Bros. See all the shots plus grab the info directly below and let us know what you think. Does it live up to the old Batmobiles? Do you think this thing will be able to handle Superman, of all people? I don't know… From Warner Bros:
Single-handedly designed and fabricated in near complete seclusion by The Batman, this infamous pursuit and capture vehicle has earned its reputation as the apex predator on the mean streets of Gotham City. Over powered with an unmatched hybrid of prototype military and civilian performance technologies, this top machine has been estimated to reach speeds of up to 205 MPH. The Batmobile’s imposing defense capabilities, supported by stolen Wayne Industries technologies, have been integrated with the latest in covert military grade armaments, stealth and active protection systems. Facts:
– Twin .50 caliber retractable machine gun turret
– Fully armored
– Stealth-capable
– Active Protection Systems/Anti-ballistics
– 20 ft. long/12 ft. wide
– 7000 lbs.
Up first, here's the photo from Wired of the vehicle laid out on the showfloor at the Licensing Expo 2015:
Next, two more photos from Collider showing another angle of the vehicle and a look at the steering wheel:
Finally, a few more shots found on Instagram from attendees at the Licensing Expo showing the Batmobile:
Follow Zack on Twitter @zacksnyder for updates, as he seems to be the source. Watch the first teaser here.
Zack Snyder's sequel Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice in the DC Comics Universe will bring back Henry Cavill as Superman and introduce Ben Affleck as Batman. Amy Adams, Laurence Fisburne and Diane Lane are all reprising their roles from Man of Steel, while more new additions include Gal Gadot as Diana Prince/Wonder Woman, Jesse Eisenberg as Lex Luthor, Jeremy Irons as Alfred, and Holly Hunter in a role newly created for the film. Jason Momoa will also appear as Aquaman and there have been rumblings of Ray Fisher as Cyborg. Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice hits theaters next spring, March 25th, 2016. For more info on the film, visit the official website at: Like the new look?
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