Perhaps no scene in television history has inspired as much debate as the diner scene in the series finale of "The Sopranos." The contents of the scene, as well as its infamous conclusion - an abrupt cut to a black screen - outraged some fans and intrigued others.
Now, eight years later, in an article for the
Directors Guild of America Quarterly, creator David Chase explains how his intentions in that last scene - though, be warned, he does NOT explain what happens to Tony Soprano (James Gandolfini) after that black screen.
OK, to recap that scene: Tony meets his family in a homey diner. First, wife Carmela (Edie Falco) shows up, followed by son A.J. (Robert Iler). Outside, daughter Meadow (Jamie Lynn-Sigler) is parking her car. Meanwhile, each time the door to the diner opens, a bell dings. A mysterious man in a Members Owner jacket seems to eye Tony. The door opens again (perhaps it's Meadow), the bell dings - and black screen. We can practically hear the stunned gasps/screams from 2007.
"I thought the ending would be somewhat jarring, sure. But not to the extent it was, and not a subject of such discussion. I really had no idea about that," Chase writes.
What's especially fascinating about Chase's recollection is how crucial the Journey song "Don't Stop Believin'" is to the scene. "The song dictates part of the pace. And having certain lyrics of the song, and certain instrumental flourishes happen in certain places, dictates what the cuts will be. I directed the scene to fit the song."
It even informs that cut to black. "The biggest feeling I was going for, honestly, was don't stop believing. It was very simple and much more on the nose than people think," he says. "Life is short. Either it ends here for Tony or some other time. But in spite of that, it's really worth it. So don't stop believing."
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