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Monday, 20 April 2015

Check Out These Hilariously Tiny ANT-MAN Billboards

Avengers: Age of Ultron is Marvel's clear standout film of 2015: pretty much everyone knows about it, and not only in the geek community. Joss Whedon's first Avengers film was the third highest-grossing film of all time, so this franchise is big enough that even your parents are probably looking forward to seeing the sequel. That's not the case with Ant-Man, Peyton Reed's upcoming film starring Paul Rudd. While the geek circles are very familiar with the behind-the-scenes drama of Edgar Wright's exit, most people are still clueless about who this character is and what he has to do with the rest of the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

But leave it to Marvel to come up with some attention-grabbing marketing tactics to increase awareness of their new movie. Screencrush has compiled some photos from Redditors in Australia who have noticed a few ant-sized billboards pop up in Brisbane, Melbourne, and Queensland. Apparently they're even equipped with battery powered LED lights so they'll be effective at nighttime, too. Now let's just hope they expand this campaign stateside so we can check these out in person.

Ant-Man arrives in theaters on July 17th. Watch the latest trailer here, and check this out to make sure you caught everything.


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