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Thursday, 23 April 2015

'Breaking Bad' Creator Vince Gilligan to Climb 'Beanstalk' at Disney

Vince Gilligan

Even though Jack the Giant Slayer didn't fare too well at the box office, Disney wants another crack at the classic fable. Deadline reports the House of Mouse has picked up Beanstalk, yet another revisionist take on the familiar tale of Jack and the Beanstalk. However, this one just might get your attention, because the detailed outline that inspired Disney to pick u pthe project comes from "Breaking Bad" and its spin-off series "Better Call Saul" creator Vince Gilligan. And if you're a fan of those shows, you'll also be glad to hear the script will come from of the Emmy-winning writers, Thomas Schauz. Sounds like a sweet deal.

As of now, there aren't any details on how this new take on the classic tale will go, but we'll trust in Gilligan that he's crafted something original. And since Disney is the one who picked it up, that certainly gives it some weight as well. Gilligan certainly won't have to do much to beat the disappointing but admirable Jack the Giant Slayer, or whatever the previous film was that adapting the short story into a feature length film. The project will be developed as a possible directing vehicle for Gilligan as well, but it's early days, so we'll see if he ends up directing it down the road.

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