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Tuesday, 10 March 2015

UK TV's Sam Strike to Lead 'Texas Chainsaw' Prequel 'Leatherface'

It looks like there's some real talent in the United Kingdom TV series "EastEnders." Following the casting of the British series' Ben Hardy in an unknown role in X-Men: Apocalypse , now The Wrap reports his fellow cast member Sam Strike is in talks to lead Leatherface , a prequel to The Texas Chainsaw Massacre franchise that's in the works at Millennium Films. Strike will play the killer in an origin story that shows where Leatherface came from in his early years during the 1970s (thus fitting with the original film's timeline). We're not sure what to expect from this since it's from the producers of the 2013 franchise reboot.

The young teenage version of Leatherface is named Jackson, though it's not clear how he comes to be a chainsaw wielding killer (though his crazy family should be reason enough). Directing the film will be French cult favorite filmmakers Julien Maury and Alexandre Bustillo with a script from up and coming writer Seth M. Sherwood. And the aforementioned team of Carl Mazzocone, Christa Campbell and Lati Grobman are reteaming after the Texas Chainsaw resurrection in 2013. The question is whether or not we need to know anymore about the masked killer who's part of an insane family. This is exactly the kind of thing that ruins the mythology of these creepy characters, making them much less scary.


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