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Tuesday, 31 October 2017

That Time Orson Welles Hijacked Halloween and The American Consciousness

By Cooper Peltz How the mind behind Citizen Kane went a little too hard for Halloween. Orson Welles yelled “fire!” in a crowded theater, and he parlayed the publicity from the panic into one of the most successful careers in entertainment ever. The Mercury...

All Gassed Up: Celebrating The Chase in ‘The Texas Chainsaw Massacre’

By Geoff Todd An in-depth analysis of one of the most terrifying chase scenes ever committed to film. He nearly lost an eye while filming one of the greatest chase scenes in cinema history. Daniel Pearl was laying on a dolly track, filming an icon in the making...

The Mind of a Master: Learning To Plan Through Tarkovsky’s Shot Lists

By Jacob Oller Finding patterns in logistics and aesthetics. Andrei Tarkovsky has created some of the most beautiful shots in cinema, even if they serve workmanlike purposes that might not hold the same striking quality as a stark Roger Deakins wide shot. Achieving...

AFF Review: James Franco IS Tommy Wiseau in 'The Disaster Artist'

There's nothing like The Room, right? A film so bad it's so good. The Disaster Artist is an attempt to tell the story about the making of Tommy Wiseau's The Room, and the friendship behind it, and their dream to become famous, and make a movie that everyone would...

11 ‘Homemade’ Costumes: Or, Sew Like The Wind Because Halloween Is Here

By William Dass If I’ve learned one thing from this, it’s that you should always be yourself. And yourself should always be a World War I Flying Ace. Happy Halloween! Do you do an apostrophe in there? That’s cool. Happy Hallowe’en! That’s a contraction for All...

Full International Trailer for Nimród Antal's 'The Whiskey Robber' Film

"Viszkis was one of the most famous bank robbers in Hungary. He drank whiskey before every robbing. This is his story." An official trailer has debuted for a film titled The Whiskey Robber, also known as The Whiskey Bandit or A Viszkis in Hungarian. This is the...

‘Thor: Ragnarok’ Brings Much-Needed Zaniness (and Closure) to the MCU

By Matthew Monagle Just when you thought the MCU was out of surprises, director Taika Waititi and company deliver one of the best superhero movies of the decade. These days a brand new Marvel can feel somewhat like an obligation. Just like a long-running television...

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